The Story Collider

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Lindsay Cooper

Operations Manager

Lindsay is an operations professional who started out as a whale biologist. She spent years following endangered North Atlantic right whales up and down the U.S. east coast, then went on to administer a prestigious marine conservation fellowship program. Now she takes her three kids to visit the Smithsonian’s Sant Ocean Hall in DC, where they can view one of her photographs in the right whale exhibit. She will always have a deep passion for conservation science and science outreach. Lindsay loves working behind the scenes to help Story Collider manage day-to-day operations, as well as connecting with new clients, occasionally co-teaching a workshop, and practicing her own storytelling skills.

Besides hanging out with her kids, Lindsay takes time to volunteer for the local swim team and elementary school PTA. She loves coffee, pajamas, and any chance to sit and read a book by a lake.

You can reach her at and follow her on Twitter @LindsayAnnCoop and in Instagram. Please connect!

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